What we do
Primary Healthcare Clinics
Access Afya has a standardized clinic in a box model that delivers chronic care, family planning, lab testing, child immunizations and nutrition, pre and post-natal care, general outpatient consultations, first aid and more. Our asset-light clinics are located in convenient spaces and open every day of the week. We provide a range of health financing options including insurance, health micro-loans, savings and memberships.
Curafa Franchise Network
Now, you can run your own quality clinic under our award-winning model. Coming soon: More details and how to apply.
Digital Health
Our mDaktari app helps patients manage their health conveniently over the phone. We provide consultations, prescriptions, lab referrals and coaching. At Access Afya, healthcare doesn’t start and end at the clinic.
Learn more by visiting mDaktari today.
Access Afya Analytics
Access Afya runs fully digital clinics and health programs. We collect demographic, health and history, encounter, diagnosis, treatment, purchasing and outcomes data. We also have operational data flowing through from all of our systems. Our tools can help others improve their operations and quality and our data help others understand our market.
Access Afya News
Access Afya and curafa team up to improve primary care around the world
Access Afya is proud to complete the purchase of the CURAFA point of care social business! Read about our purchase and plans.
covid-19 ask me anything
Access Afya’s Dr. Eric Mbuthia leads the first medical Ask Me Anything as part of the #UnitedAgainst Corona partnership. Stay up to date with relevant information written by and for the East African community.
New Directions and Bigger Questions: Digital for Adolescent Minds
How can technologies be used advantageously when it comes to meeting the wellbeing needs of the world’s adolescents? Founder Melissa Menke summarizes key insights from a panel discussion of global innovators in London.